Meet "Audrey Kingsbury"
Audrey Kingsbury is the fictional character for my article, Dancing Into His Promises. She is a dancer who found Jesus through her neighbor.
These are the three images I used to create the cover art, letter design, and photography insert for the magazine mockup. These photos are courtesy of Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash.

My Process
I started by praying in tongues and asking the Holy Spirit for direction on which projects to create and submit to Kenneth Copeland Ministries for review as a second portfolio option. When I got the direction from the Lord, I felt I was supposed to create a magazine mockup for Believer’s Voice of Victory. I thought this young lady looked like the perfect model on Unsplash to feature on the cover of a magazine, as well as in the feature spread. I used selection tools and the pen tool to isolate her from her background. I then used a pixel stretching technique to create the ribbon effect on the front cover. I referred to copies I had on hand of the real BVOV magazine to check and make sure I stayed true to the existing style of design and branding.

Once I completed the front cover, I cut out the model from her background once again to design the title art for the feature article. I used masks, lighting effects, and gaussian blur on shadows I created to make the young lady appear to dance her way out of the letter ‘D.’ Then I wrote the copy for the featured article in Microsoft Word as I designed the spread in Adobe InDesign.